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Version: 1.0.0

Creating range plot

What is a range plot?

Range plots show exactly two dots on a line and connect them. These are great if you want to draw attention to the distance between the values more than to the values themselves. For example a comparison between the minimum and maximum temperature over 10 years can be visualized better with a range plot.

Using the share operator

Share operator creates a new composed variable instance from multiple variables. This is required when we need to map multiple fields in a single axis. For example, we want to show minimum temperature and maximum temperature on y-axis, then we have to create a shared field.

Pass fields to plot in the share operator and attach the result in rows/columns of the chart:

const { muze } = viz;
const { share } = muze.Operators;

const sharedField = share("maxTemp", "minTemp");



Muze's box plot sample uses a shared field in rows.

const { muze } = viz;

const data = [
Maker: "BMW",
min: 3000,
q1: 4000,
median: 4800,
q3: 5200,
max: 5800,
Maker: "Chevrolet",
min: 2800,
q1: 3500,
median: 4200,
q3: 4700,
max: 5200,
Maker: "Dodge",
min: 3100,
q1: 3900,
median: 5000,
q3: 5500,
max: 6000,
Maker: "Ford",
min: 2700,
q1: 3400,
median: 3900,
q3: 4400,
max: 5000,
Maker: "Peugeot",
min: 2500,
q1: 3000,
median: 3100,
q3: 3400,
max: 3700,
Maker: "Volvo",
min: 2900,
q1: 3300,
median: 3600,
q3: 4000,
max: 4400,
Maker: "Toyota",
min: 2600,
q1: 3700,
median: 4500,
q3: 4900,
max: 5300,
Maker: "Honda",
min: 2400,
q1: 3200,
median: 4000,
q3: 4300,
max: 4700,
Maker: "Nissan",
min: 2500,
q1: 3000,
median: 3800,
q3: 4200,
max: 4600,
Maker: "Mercedes-Benz",
min: 3400,
q1: 4500,
median: 5200,
q3: 5700,
max: 6100,
Maker: "Audi",
min: 2900,
q1: 3600,
median: 4100,
q3: 4600,
max: 5100,

const schema = [
name: "Maker",
type: "dimension",
name: "min",
type: "measure",
name: "q1",
type: "measure",
name: "median",
type: "measure",
name: "q3",
type: "measure",
name: "max",
type: "measure",

let dm = new DataModel(await DataModel.loadData(data, schema));

.rows([muze.Operators.share("min", "max", "q1", "median", "q3")])
mark: "bar",
encoding: {
y: "q3",
y0: "median",
color: "Maker",
mark: "bar",
encoding: {
y: "median",
y0: "q1",
color: "Maker",
mark: "tick",
encoding: {
y: "q1",
y0: "min",
color: {
value: () => "black",
mark: "tick",
encoding: {
y: "median",
color: {
value: () => "#fff",
mark: "tick",
encoding: {
y: "max",
y0: "q3",
color: {
value: () => "black",
axes: {
y: {
name: "Horsepower Distribution",
.title("Box Plot", { position: "top", align: "center" })

Using encoding channels to define a range plot

Each layer has an encoding object configuration which accepts x0, x, y0, y and color parameters.

To create a vertical range plot, map fields to y0 and y. To create a horizontal range plot, map fields to x0 and x. Optionally, also pass a function in color.value to color the layer plots.


const { muze, getDataFromSearchQuery } = viz;

const data = getDataFromSearchQuery();

let dm = new DataModel(data);
const share = muze.Operators.share;

// Min value of weight for a group
dm = dm.calculateVariable(
name: "Min Weight",
type: "measure",
defAggFn: "min",
(val) => val,

// Max value of weight for a group
dm = dm.calculateVariable(
name: "Max Weight",
type: "measure",
defAggFn: "max",
(val) => val,

.rows([share("Max Weight", "Min Weight")])
mark: "tick",
encoding: {
y: "Max Weight",
y0: "Min Weight",
size: {
value: () => 0.001,
interpolate: "catmullRom",
axes: {
y: {
name: "Weight",